Why Are You Not Show a Baby a Mirror
Okay for new born to come across himself in a mirror ?
(53 Posts)
lozrobin Sun 01-May-11 twenty:36:39
Apologies on putting two posts up in quick succession but seems nifty forum - have a 4 week old boy Robin and he has been given a few toys with mirrors on them, I call up hearing something ages ago that a baby shouldn't encounter themselves in a refelection until they are a certain age - is there anything in that or am I just not remembering something correctly ? If so what historic period is it ?
Many thanks,
sunchild77 Sun 01-May-eleven 20:38:18
I retrieve its more likely that they "can't" see themselves rather than they "shouldn't" Im non sure that the eyes have developed enough (someone correct me) I think they tin can't sympathise/realise that they can "see" themselves.
I might be incorrect though..
HerRoyalHighnessPrincessCervix Dominicus 01-May-11 20:38:22
why the chuff not? recollect it through logically. or will a baby spontaneously combust if they see a reflection of themselves?
catsareevil Sun 01-May-11 20:38:25
In that location is no problem with them seeing themselves in a mirror. What you have probably read about is that at first they wont be able to know that they are looking at themselves.
motherinferior Sun 01-May-11 20:38:42
I think you're getting babies mixed upwards with vampires (who don't show upward in mirrors).
Or possibly with the fact that in a while, when he can focus and recognise a infant in the mirror, he'll think it's another babe.
At the moment, he probably won't be able to focus on the mirror but he won't come to whatsoever harm.
motherinferior Lord's day 01-May-11 20:twoscore:21
THey are quite like vampires, of course, being prone to draining your life force yet strangely compelling, but if yous wave him in front of a mirror you should be able to check his human being condition.
(Some of them, like DD1, take fringes of pilus circular their ears but I've never had whatsoever proof of them beingness werewolves either. Although, again, I was tempted to confuse them what with the loud baying at the moon.)
SomethingSuper Sunday 01-May-11 twenty:41:52
I mean this in the nicest possible way; this thread has actually cheered me upwards for it's lovely innocence and niceness after some of the stuff I've but read elsewhere. Especially the baby/vampire confusion
Onefunmum Sun 01-May-11 20:42:54
@ motherinferior
was thinking along the vampire line too...!
HerRoyalHighnessPrincessCervix Sun 01-May-11 xx:42:59
i call up DD1 was an imp. had that foreign scaly skin. and also didn't recognise herself in a mirror
ShowOfHands Sunday 01-May-11 20:43:xviii
It's ancient folklore. The thought that a soul tin can become trapped in a mirror (so if y'all intermission one, you break your soul and get 7yrs bad luck). People similarly warn against babies being allowed to expect in mirrors or allowing uncovered mirrors in the house following a decease (in example the soul is trapped).
Information technology's as scientific as Bloody Mary so no, information technology'south probably okay unless you're worried about woo in general.
onepieceofcremeegg Dominicus 01-May-11 twenty:43:29
Congratulations on your new baby.
How lovely, just 4 weeks old.
I am fairly certain both of mine saw themselves in a mirror, there are mirrors in lots of places and I bet I was brushing my hair/holding them whilst glancing in a mirror at some point. He will exist fine.
greensnail Dominicus 01-May-11 20:43:37
My grandma obviously used to say you shouldn't let a babe look in a mirror, I don't know the reason why. She too used to say you shouldn't tickle their feet or they'd go mad.
Mine both seem ok so far despite lots of mirror looking and pes tickling.
LeroyJethroGibbs Sun 01-May-eleven 20:43:59
SybilBeddows Sunday 01-May-11 20:44:47
I retrieve information technology'southward simply that when babies are new you are so frazzled and sleep deprived that if you hold him up in front of a mirror you are liable to think you've had twins.
LynetteScavo Sun 01-May-11 xx:45:30
7 years of historic period.
Do not let your child look into a mirror until 7 years of age.
Information technology is non unknown for children to be able to see into their own future reflected in the mirror if they perchance to catch their reflection at a tender historic period.
This is why virtually mirrors in houses are up high, nearly the height of a modest child.
LifeInTheSlowLane Sun 01-May-xi 20:55:35
oh I love this thread! I remember DH forever putting spots on DS1's face up when he was a toddler then sticking him in front end of the mirror to meet if he would try to rub the spot off himself or the "other" baby in the mirror (this is a proper scientific self recognition test thingummy - can't remember the proper noun for information technology). I seemed to spend a lot of time cleaning mucilaginous fingerprints off mirrors .
monkymom Sun 01-May-eleven xx:57:23
This thread has really made me laff
Tee2072 Dominicus 01-May-11 xx:59:17
Aw, bless. Yes, unless the babe is a vampire (does information technology already have pointy teeth? ) mirrors are not a problem.
lozrobin Sun 01-May-11 21:03:20
Cool thanks - thought so equally a lot of the toys seem to have mirrors, thank you for all quick replies.
NoTeaForMe Sun 01-May-11 21:51:52
Love it.....on the same topic though - when do babies realise that the baby in the mirror is them? My 6 month old loves looking at heself and finds the whole affair hilarious...when volition she know it's her? I tin can remember those experiments with the dot on the olfactory organ too and seem to recollect that chimpanzees are the same!!
ginmakesitallok Sun 01-May-eleven 21:55:30
This thread has cheered me upward too - just it's also reminded me of when my Granda died and my Gran turned all the mirrors round - I must just take been about 8 or so, had never remembered it til now.
LynetteScavo Mon 02-May-11 08:04:thirty
LifeInTheSlowLane, I did the gummy spot on the nose thing with DS1.
Was a pone DH at work moment when he pulled the sticker off his nose.
wolfhound Mon 02-May-11 08:07:15
i think when yous have a new babe information technology'south probably more of import that You don't wait in a mirror (unless you are a lot amend groomed than i was )
redundanttiara Monday 02-May-xi x:15:34
I think the baby volition be OK simply whatever you lot do, do not look at yourself in the mirror afterwards a centre-of-the-night-will-information technology-never-ever-stop feed. I still have flashbacks of the wild haired, red-eyed monster staring back at me - on the plus side, I didn't demand a middle of the night wee for months after that.
pookamoo Mon 02-May-11 19:33:07
I retrieve there is something in Steiner philosophy most not letting babies await in mirrors but someone else volition no incertitude elaborate. I don't believe in it, though.
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Source: https://www.mumsnet.com/Talk/parenting/1204846-Okay-for-new-born-to-see-himself-in-a-mirror
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